Welcome to The Cave: The Sequel

So here is some pictures of my fantastic and messy room!  I have deemed it the Cave, The Sequel.  Carol and I used to call our office at CCI "The Cave".  This was for various reasons.  Onc being it was a bit damp and most definitely filled with mold.  I have now decided that this is also a very appropriate name for our bedroom here at the house because it used to be a laundry room!  It is damp, dark, and filled with stale air.  We do have a window but it faces our neighbor's house and only opens a smidge.  Know that this is not a complaint...but a term of endearment!  I did so love my little cave at CCI and apparently love mine here, cause we spend quite a bit of time in it.

My messy bunk.  I share this part of the cave with Michela who sleeps above.

Here is the triple decker bunk on the other side of our little home.

We have limited storage space so it means it is hard for it to look very organized in here.  I am very glad I don't have to sleep on the top bunk!  Especially on the "third floor"!

Here are the girls...Jordan, Amy & Valerie
We struggle to not step on one another (literally) when we are trying to get ready in the mornings.  We all stand at varied levels in front of the mirror.  In the evening as we settle in, we tend to do a lot of laughing.  This is especially true when it gets late and Michela turns punchy!  She becomes so funny when she is tired.  
Michela: I am not sure what she was doing!
Well, this is our little corner of quiet in this crazy house.  So far we are having a great time getting to know each other.  Stay tuned for future posts on YWAM living.  Hopefully, the next one will be on the progress of our new bathroom!  Pray for the money and right plumber for the job (it would be a huge blessing to have!)


  1. Sounds like you are settling in. London is a great city and you will love it.

    Love ya,
    Uncle Donnie

  2. I love your little cranny. So homey. You girls will get to know one another more than you ever thought! :) I'm praying for your bathroom "remodel" to come through for you. Thanks for updating the blog on a *fairly* regular basis to keep us informed of the fairy-tale life you're leading :) xoxo


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