Mad Mess

Our house is just a mess!  We have been doing varied levels of sorting, packing, and junking and it seems the stuff has just taken over!  Tonya is having a yard sale this weekend and we worked last night to sort through all our kitchen stuff.  Since we have combined our stuff we spent a lot of time trying to decide what belonged to whom.  The funny part was, we found a few things neither of us wanted to claim!  I wondered where some of it came from.  Maybe we will hide a few items around for the new tenants to find and wonder about!

This morning, Bosco was a wreck.  He just can't lay down and's like he doesn't know where to perch.  I know Tonya has a clear vision of what she plans for the big sale (at least I hope she does), but right now, it is just nuts!  Between all that and trying to figure out how to "pass down" my job responsibilities, at work; I feel kinda like Bosco.  Last night I had a hilarious dream that was a total reflection of a feeling of lack of control in my life.  The best part was the wind kept blowing my skirt up which made it hard to get myself together! 

It is so funny how change can be a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time.  I am excited about my new challenge and opportunity but all the "getting there" part is a lot of work!  I told my co-workers yesterday that I wished I could just close my eyes for a minute and my boxes would organize and pack themselves.  I need a "Fantasia" moment!  There just seems to be a never ending list of things that need to be done.  It will all be over sooner than later though and I will be wondering where the time went.

Next week, my sister Nicole will come help me pack.  We decided taking a couple of days off to pack might be a good plan.  I have always been a "fly by the seat of your pants" packer and it never goes well.  This time, I will be prepared and organized thanks to the help of family.  It will be nice to spend some time with her too before Tonya and I head abroad.  (Oh, Nicole, Christmas without your Sissas? Sad.)

After Sunday's yard sale I am not sure what will be left in the house to deal with.  I do know there will be less of it, though.  Hopefully a lot less!  At least, we will have one less thing on the "to do" list and be one step closer to being ready for our new adventures.

Come over on Sunday...we've got some good junk!


  1. Yard Sale went great and all the junk is gone!! We have a very empty living room (and cabinets) but it helps with less left to pack up and store. It echos in the apt now...weird!


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